Return of the Saskatchewan Legislature

Return of the Saskatchewan Legislature The fourth session of Saskatchewan’s twenty-ninth Legislature will begin today following a Speech from the Throne. The session marks less than a year until the next provincial election in 2024.  Parental Rights Focus MLAs returned earlier this month, debating and passing Bill 137, An Act to amend The Education Act, 1995 […]

Alberta Update: October 20, 2023

This Week Improving access to healthcare: As one of the government’s top priorities, Minister LaGrange announced the adoption of several recommendations from the Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS) report. These recommendations include creating a primary health care division within Alberta Health, increasing funding for family doctors and nurse practitioners, and introducing a payment system to […]

Premier Kinew Showcases Manitoba NDP Bench Strength with New 15-member Cabinet 

Yesterday, Wab Kinew was officially sworn- in as the Premier of Manitoba alongside his cabinet.   In addition to being the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and International Relations, Premier Kinew will also be responsible Indigenous reconciliation.  This is the first time in Manitoba a premier has taken on this additional role. Senator Murray Sinclair referred to […]

Alberta Update: October 13, 2023

This Week Premier Smith’s one-year anniversary: This past week marked one year since Premier Smith was sworn into office. On the occasion, the Premier released a statement reflecting on the progress made in the past 12 months giving special attention to Alberta’s work fighting against the federal government, addressing the affordability crisis, getting Alberta’s fiscal house in […]

Alberta Update: October 6, 2023

This Week $330 million to revitalize downtown Calgary: This week, the Government of Alberta’s commitment to invest $330 million into the City of Calgary was approved by cabinet and Treasury Board. The investment is targeting improvements in the Calgary arena and entertainment district that are estimated to result in four million square feet of mixed-use development. Once complete, […]

Manitoba NDP Government Transition Analysis

On Tuesday, October 3rd, Manitobans made history by electing a majority NDP government led by Wab Kinew who will be the first First Nations premier of a province in Canada. Both Heather Stefanson and Dougald Lamont announced that they will resign as leaders of the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba and the Manitoba Liberal Party, […]

Manitoba Votes Day 23

Analysis   As the Manitoba campaign moves into the final weekend, and the end of the advance voting period, all parties will be focused on getting supporters to the polls and making their final pitches to undecided voters. Stefanson has taken a back seat, not appearing in front of media since Monday—relying on other candidates to […]