This Week In Alberta March 24, 2023

This Week

New legislation: The Government of Alberta introduced one new piece of legislation this week.

  • Bill 12: Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2023 ($) – Mr. Toews

 $30 million for apprenticeship education: Budget 2023 will invest $30.4 million over the next three years in CAREERS, and Skills Canada Alberta. Both organizations create opportunities for youth to build careers in skilled trades. CAREERS arranges almost 2,500 internships for high school students annually, and Skills Canada Alberta works with about 19,000 students annually. 
Letter to PM Trudeau regarding President Biden’s visit: Premier Smith sent Prime Minister Trudeau a letter in preparation for President Biden’s visit to Ottawa today. The letter highlighted Alberta’s priorities including U.S. energy imports, energy security, natural resources and trade. 
$30 million supporting AI: Alberta’s government is investing $30 million in Amii (Alberta Machine Learning Intelligence Institute). The investment will build Alberta’s AI talent pipeline and accelerate research. Amii is one of three national AI institutes in Canada. 
Expanding economic corridors near Oyen: The government signed an MOU with several partners to assess whether the rail line between Oyen and Lyalta should be restored. The goal of restoring the rail line is to provide access to critical export markets for products such as agriculture and agri-food products, fertilizer and energy products. 

What’s Next

Legislature: No new legislation is expected next week. The Legislature is scheduled to rise next Thursday. 



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