Manitoba Votes Day 16


On Thursday, Manitoba party leaders engaged in the last official debate of the campaign. They were given an opportunity to answer questions from each other, journalists, and make their platform priorities clear. Both the Stefanson and Lamont focused a lot of their energy on Kinew during the debate likely due to the NDP’s surge in recent polls.  


Last night’s debate made it apparent that the NDP poses a clear threat to both the Liberals and PCs, with Kinew a constant target from the Lamont and Stefanson throughout the event. When the PC leader did ask Lamont a question, it was about the NDP’s inconsistent policy stances. The Liberal leader used his time to attempt to convince Manitobans that Kinew’s NDP are not different from the PCs—calling attention to the NDP’s promise to keep the PC’s property tax rebate if elected. The move was likely an attempt to discredit the NDP’s direct appeal to swing voters and Manitoba Liberal supporters.  

Heather Stefanson took a unique approach by challenging the NDP’s strong reputation on healthcare by attacking the feasibility of their proposed plans. Kinew has promised to open three Winnipeg emergency rooms that were closed under the PC government if elected. During the debate, Stefanson, with assistance from Lamont, claimed the origins of that decision came from a report commissioned by the previous NDP government. While Kinew and the NDP enjoy high degrees of trust on health care, a recent Angus Reid poll found that Manitobans trust the PCs more on their ability to manage the economy, and these critiques may continue to play into anxieties associated with a potential NDP government.  

Kinew played to Manitobans reported dislike of Heather Stefanson. Polling and focus groups have found that Stefanson struggles to connect with voters. Kinew brought up Stefanson’s controversial response to the death of Krystal Mousseau and her refusal to give government employees a pay raise. He also claimed the PCs would rather pick a fight with Ottawa than focusing on things the provincial government can act on immediately like removing the fuel tax. Interestingly, Stefanson used one of her questions to ask Kinew if he would search the landfill for the remains of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. He used the opportunity to clarify his commitment to safely search the landfill and accused Stefanson of sowing division by not doing the same. Drawing attention to Stefanson’s controversial decisions may speak to those who do not want to support the party due to her leadership.  

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